My ScriptCenter's Azure scripts has moved to Github

Over the years I posted a few scripts that have been useful for me in Azure on ScriptCenter. Time has come to move them on a newer platform since ScriptCenter is now obsolete and is retiring.

Bye Bye ScriptCenter

ScriptCenter will continue to operate in read-only mode, no new contributions but existing one can be updated from what I know. Still it has been a useful platform for the last 10 years or so.

Here are the scripts I posted over the years:

Powershell, VB Script, SQL and JavaScript - TechNet IT Pro’s and Scripting Guys
Download resources and applications for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, SharePoint, System Center, Office, and other products.

Some has been very popular over the years, like:

Easily obtain AccessToken(Bearer) from an existing Az/AzureRM PowerShell session

You'll find in this function an easy way to extract the information required for you to build a Bearer token and all this from YOUR credentials within an authenticated PowerShell Azure session. You can then use this token to talk to Azure Resource Manager REST API

It got almost 8K downloads at the time of writing this. Several others were downloaded in the thousands also. Knowing that these script helped and continue to help people, I decided to move them before they are no longer accessible at all.

Hello GitHub!

I decided to move all these scripts to a repository in GitHub. I made a first release with what is exactly on ScriptCenter. You can download the release here:

Release Snapshot from ScriptCenter · slapointe/azure-scripts
Same as downloading all of my scripts from ScriptCenter and starting point for their evolution on Github: Easily obtain AccessToken(Bearer) from an existing Az/AzureRM PowerShell sessionList all ...

Hope it helps, if you want to contribute on this repo, you are more than welcome :)
